~*usagi and mamoru*~


mamoru protecting usagiusagi and mamoru :)saying good bye to chibi-usa..super sailor moon and tuxedo kamen..mamoru and super sailor moon..a cute manga pic of princess serenity and prince endymionusagi and mamorsailor moon and prince endymionusagi and mamorus weddingafter mamoru gets his memory back..princess serenity and prince endymion in the silver milleniumduring the fight against the moon kingdom..nice pic :) i used to have this card..usagi and mamorusailor moon trying to save endymion..another cute manga pic..the wedding..nice pic :) usagi and mamoru at the end of ep 200again at the end of ep 200this comes after the last pic.. sailor moon and tuxedo kamen looking at something..the black lady tries to kill endymion..this is a nice pic.. from the smr movie..usagi and mamoru talking..when usagi gets her new rod in smsin the future with chibi-usamamoru gets a shred of neherinia's mirror in his eye..mamoru under neherinia's spell..usagi by an injured mamoru's side..mamoru giving usagi a ring..saying goodbye as he's getting on his plane to go to college..hugging to say goodbye..usagi, mamoru, and chibi chibicute :)usagi and mamorugoing for the kill...... heheh :)at the wedding..mamoru after he comes back to life..mamoru getting hurt..mamoru with his arm around usagi (as if you couldnt see that...)mamoru dies..usagi and mamoru talking.. at the end of the sms movie..sailor moon is dying, but tuxedo kamen saves her..


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